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A UTM is a type of code that you can add to the end of a URL. This makes the link trackable through analytics software Google Analytics, meaning you can see how specific campaigns are performing.

What can you track using UTM parameters?

There are five types of URL parameters; source, medium, campaign, content and term. 

Source: The source parameter allows you to track where the traffic came from. Sources you may track could include google, facebook, twitter etc. 

Medium: The medium parameter allows to define what type of traffic the user originated from. This could include social, referral, email etc. 

Campaign: The campaign parameter allows you to group content by one campaign. For example, you could have a campaign promoting a specific product such as HR services. Your campaign name would then be ‘hrservices’, which you can then filter by in Google Analytics.

Content: If you have multiple content in one campaign and on one channel, then you can use the content parameter to further define your link. For example, if you have one email pointing to the same link via two CTA boxes, you can use the content parameter to differentiate. 

Term: The term parameter allows you to know which keyword term a user came from. This is used specifically on paid for advertising.